The GMpFA prop account is specifically designed at the request of Academy, with all its rules and regulations tailored to provide the best educational and trading experience based on the ACT trading method.

This account, equipped with risk and capital management features, prepares you to achieve outstanding results in the gold market.

GMpFA Prop Account: Your First Step Toward Success

This account includes two separate sections – a trading account and an investment wallet – allowing you to operate in the gold market with maximum transparency and control. The trading account balance is always maintained at a steady $1,000, while your wallet manages an initial capital of $200,000, with all profits and losses automatically transferred to it.

Unlike other prop accounts, the GMpFA account only includes an evaluation phase, with no challenge stage required. Upon passing the evaluation, you can directly enter the professional golder phase, keeping 80% of your trading profits.

Professional Risk and Capital Management

The trading account balance is automatically managed, with risk controlled for each trade.

Controlled Trading on XAUUSD Only

The only allowed trading symbol is XAUUSD, enabling full focus on the gold market.

Step-by-Step Trader Progression

As traders achieve specific profit targets, they move to higher profitability levels, increasing their income.

GMpFA Prop Account Details and Stages

Funded and Managed XAUUSD Trading AccountFirst Stage: Evaluation
(Stage repetition at the mentor's discretion)
Second Stage: Professional Golder
Capital (Wallet + Trading Account)$300,000 (Virtual Funds for evaluation)$300,000
Account DurationUnlimitedUnlimited
Minimum Trading DaysNot Rquired
(Final evaluation time at mentor’s discretion)
Not Rquired
Max Daily Loss  (Automatically managed by server)0.33% ($1,000)0.33% ($1,000)
Max Account Loss10% ($30,000)6.6% ($20,000)
Profit Target6.6% ($20,000)10% ($30,000)
Profit Sharing(Quarterly)None80% Trader
5% Charity
5% Trader Reserve Fund
10% Forexer Broker
Profit IncreaseNone20% profit increase for the next term for every 15% profit earned (A 20% profit reduction applies if the target is missed)
Account Fee (non-refundable)$1,600Free

GMpFA : Exclusive Account with ACT Method and Golder Pro Educational Support

This account is designed with the ACT trading method, which ensures your success through automation, detailed analysis, and precise trading with mentor oversight. Since this account is crafted at the request of Golder Pro Academy, joining the Academy's courses and classes maximizes the benefits of your GMpFA prop account.

Special Offer: With the purchase of a GMpFA prop account and simultaneous enrollment in Golder Pro’s educational courses, you can enjoy exclusive registration benefits.

For more information and a complete overview of the account and training courses, visit the Golder Pro Academy website to register and secure guaranteed success in your trades.

GMpFA Prop Account Detailed Overview
